Sleep Regression Stages - What Is Baby Sleep Regression?

Sleep regression in babies is a challenging time for new parents.

Just when you think you found a sleeping pattern, your baby changes direction. Discover sleep regression stages every parent should know.

Sleep Regression Stages:

  • 4 month sleep regression

  • 6 month sleep regression

  • 8 month sleep regression

  • 10 month sleep regression

  • 12 month sleep regression

  • 15 month sleep regression

  • 18 month sleep regression

  • 2 year sleep regression

Sleep regression can occur many times throughout a baby’s life span. You can see it manifest at 4 months, 6 months, 8 months, 10, 12, 15, 18 and 24 months. Learn sleep regression ages and how long it lasts below.


What is Baby Sleep Regression? 

Sleep Regression - To return to a lesser developed state after an established pattern of sleep is formed.

Disturbed sleep patterns at bedtime or naptime are common. As well as unprompted fussiness. It does work itself out over time.

Rapid growth spurts become more frequent. They require more time to recover. As physiological changes occur within the body, the mind accelerates.

The rapid growth spurts can sometimes alter current sleeping habits. No need to worry. Sleep regression is a biological response.

Babies can sometimes regress from progress they’ve already made. Baby sleep regression is difficult to overcome. Observe and understand the present sleep patterns. And adjust accordingly.

4 Month Sleep Regression 

The biggest of sleep regression stages hits around 4 months old. This is the most popular. Adjusting out of an infant sleep pattern makes tired and sleepy parents. Expect this phase to generally last between 2-6 weeks.

If sleep regression happens, we have a solution. A solution that taps into the natural circadian rhythm. We recommend this 4 Month Baby Sleep Regression Guide.

Co-authored by Erin Flynn-Evans, a peer-reviewed publisher on sleep and circadian rhythms. The Baby Sleep Science Guide is for any new parent seeking guidance and experiencing sleepless nights.

Sleep Foundation has a noteworthy article about regression saying, “This starts to change around three months when a baby’s sleep starts to consolidate and start sleeping for longer periods of time.”


6 Month Sleep Regression

If a baby enters a 6 month sleep regression phase, then a few sleepless nights await mom and dad. If you can create a new sleeping pattern (for example, introduce not skipping naps), you can put a dent in the duration of recovery time.

Remember when your munchkin is fighting bedtime, the phase (if its regression) is temporary. This is the most difficult phase for many parents.

Because it hits the brakes on any normal sleeping pattern progress. It may feel like 2 steps forward, one step back. Sleep sessions can increase and total nightly hours decrease.

Parenting Tip: Babies wake up a lot at night to feed. A full feeding during the day and just before bed may discourage frequent awakenings at night. Try it and see if this results in less nightly feedings. 


8 Month Sleep Regression

The 8 month sleep regression stage closely relates to frequency of naps. An interesting article from Conquering Motherhood said, “Many 8 month old babies start transitioning from three naps to two naps a day. So they might start resisting some naps or waking earlier.”

Baby growth spurts can induce the urge to fight going down for the count at naptime. If there is pushback when it’s bedtime or naptime, remember, this is normal process. Don’t let them skip it.

Watch for teething at this stage too. This can also contribute to fussiness and general discomfort. Some parents believe teething may actually be a potential cause of the sleep regression.


10 Month Sleep Regression

Frequent changes (like taking less daily naps) may play out into months. Any baby regression phase may return. So don’t be surprised if your baby relapses.

When dealing with a 10 month sleep regression, a good night sleep becomes a distant past memory as a parent. Arm yourself with the knowledge and understanding of these phases.

Different techniques can help ease a bumpy road ahead. Sleep regression ages hover in between your child’s life (4 months to up to 24 months). Anywhere from newborn to toddler.  

Good News: Sleep regression ages are not experienced by all infants.


12 Month Sleep Regression

Teaching your baby to fall asleep by themselves is a huge milestone. During a 12 month sleep regression, try to create a soothing environment in baby’s bedroom.

Infants and newborns will flourish and grow in accordance to their own particular schedules. They may need more time or less time to acclimate to their brand new surroundings.

“The average sleep a toddler needs is 11-14 hours every 24 hours. That’s 10-12 hours collectively throughout the night and one (possible 2) naps throughout the day,” according to Sleep Advisor.


15 Month Sleep Regression

Get a good routine going that fits you and your baby. Consistency is key. Keep doing the same things every night before bed. Hopefully at this point the worst regression is behind you.

Whether its 4 months or a 15 month sleep regression, the possibility is there. If it comes, you’ll be ready.

If it comes back for round 2, you know how to fight it. Don’t forget to try giving a full feeding during the day and just before bed.

Keep moving forward and be there to love and care for your child. Build a good routine. If an episode of 15 month sleep regression rears its ugly head, you can do your best and try to find new techniques to win.


18 Month Sleep Regression             

An 18 month sleep regression still sees less naps occurring. You may see an increase of fussiness before bedtime as well.

More energy at night or waking more frequently during the evening may be acted out.

When kids begin crawling, standing and walking, a heightened sense of adventure is born. The urge to get up and explore right after waking fills a toddler with joy and excitement.

Are they filled with excitement because of where they are or what they’re doing? Could that be a reason they don’t want to sleep?

Situational awareness of immediate surroundings dictates their answer. 


2 Year Sleep Regression

And fingers crossed a 2 year sleep regression doesn’t occur to an overtired new parent. Thankfully, not all parents experience a 2 year sleep regression. God bless the ones that do. True champions, they are.

Teething and molars pushing through the gums can be a culprit of 2 year sleep regression.

Around this time toddlers get their molars in. May be a good idea to check so you can rule it out.  

Each baby is unique and grows differently at a different pace. These are typical pall park timeframes that you may experience. The likelihood of 2 year sleep regression is low. 

The likelihood of them getting into trouble now they are walking is high. When they get their new wheels, don’t forget to childproof the home


How Long Does Sleep Regression Last?

Time passes quickly. Appreciate the present while your newborn is young.

Baby sleep regression doesn’t last long. Only 2-3 weeks per episode. Even though it seems like it lasts a lot longer.

The important thing is to enjoy the journey. Next thing you know, their high school prom is next weekend.

Embrace it all with an open heart and mind. You’re doing great! Not all babies get sleep regression.

But if resisting naps happens, find a sleep routine as quickly as possible. And if you want to read more from newborns to toddlers, click below.



  • How Long Does A Sleep Regression Usually Last? 

    2-3 weeks, depending on the baby

  • How Do You Know If Sleep Regression Is Starting? 

    Unusual sleeping patterns, fussiness

  • What Ages Do Babies Go Through Sleep Regression? 

    Between 4-24 months (or not at all)

  • How Do You Break Sleep Regression? 

    A sleep routine & The Baby Sleep Science Guide

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