How Long To Let Baby Cry It Out?

The cry it out method (CIO) is also known as the extinction method.

It is a somewhat controversial sleep training technique for babies. Some use it, others don’t like it. Is the cry it out method harmful? We’ll uncover what to know so you can make the call.

The cry it out method involves allowing baby to cry for incrementally longer periods of time without immediate intervention.

Over greater increments of time comforting your baby when they start crying (first 5, then 10, then 15 minutes), they learn to fall asleep on their own.

Whether for or against, ahead we look at how long to let baby cry it out? The pros and cons to the cry it out method, using the cry it out method for naps, and is it ok to let a baby cry?


Cry It Out Method, How Long Is Too Long?

While some proponents argue that this method can teach babies to self-soothe and establish healthy sleep habits, others express concerns. Express concerns about the potential negative effects on the baby's emotional well-being.

So for the cry it out method, how long is too long? It varies depending on individual circumstances and parenting beliefs. There’s a process on how long to let baby cry it out.

Every child and parent is different.

Never neglect comfort and compassion for your baby. It is important for parents to carefully consider their baby's needs. And consult with healthcare professionals before implementing this technique.

Do not let your baby just cry and cry until they make themselves sick. That is how you can make the cry it out method harmful. Never go long periods on time without ever checking on a newborn or toddler.

As long as their needs are met, you don’t have a baby that’s sick or injured. And they have a dry diaper and a full tummy. Then it’s not bad to let your baby cry. It breaks your heart, but it’s not harmful to them.


Pros Of Cry It Out Method

We all know infants just want snuggles and attention. The cry it out method is an effective approach for infant care. There are 4 main points that offer benefits of this method.

1. Teaches Self Soothe

It accomplishes and teaches babies to self-soothe. This promotes independent sleep habits for your infant. Your child will begin to self-soothe if successful.

2. Healthy Sleep Pattern Development

A consistent routine helps in the development of a healthy sleep pattern. In time, they learn how to go back to bed fast and on their own. They just want to feel cuddled and safe. Establish a sleep routine with unrelenting persistence.

3. Parent Priorities Well-Being

As painful as it is to hear them cry, parents need to prioritize their own well-being. Don’t neglect your own well-being. It ensures they can provide the best child care.

4. Resiliency & Adaptability Increase

It nurtures resilience and adaptability. It also prepares infants for future challenges. The cry it out method can be the gateway to more sleep for both you and baby.

They’ll easily go back to bed without the assistance from a parent. More sleep for newborn means more sleep for the parent. A win for mom any day of the week.


Cons Of Cry It Out Method

The cry it out method (at least in some parent’s minds) is NOT recommended for infants as a means of baby care. There groups of new parents out there that think it’s a bad idea. There are four main reasons why it’s considered bad.

1. Increased Stress Levels

It can lead to increased stress levels for the baby. This can have negative effects on their overall development later in life.

2. Creating Secure Attachment Risk

It can hinder the creation of a secure attachment between the baby and their caregiver. A crucial element for their emotional well-being.

3. Long Term Sleep Problems

It may result in long-term sleep problems for your child. And they could develop a fear or anxiety around bedtime.

4. Against Natural Parental Instincts

It goes against natural parental instincts. As a new parent it’s devastating to not respond to their baby's cries. And this is a way for your baby to communicate their needs.

It is important to prioritize responsive and nurturing care for infants. We feel if you feel bad about the cry it out method, then you shouldn’t do it. Don’t go against your parental intuition.

Cry It Out Method For Naps

Parents are tired. Babies are tired. Your baby needs a sleep schedule. Naps are a part of that. When you’re training your baby to sleep, work smarter not harder. Which methods are better than others?   

Cry it out methods for naps is a way to train your child to sleep when you want them to. Get your routine down and stick to it. The best way is to incorporate Ferber method naps.  

The Ferber method naps provide your munchkin comfort but at different intervals.

You essentially comfort and soothe using longer and longer time intervals.

Rub their back or hold their hand when you go into the room. Then when they cry again, don’t go back into the room for 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, then 15 minutes, etc.

Each time give less and less comfort and attention. Your current situation will let you know what’s best. Try the Ferber method for naps by overlapping the cry it out method for naps.


Is It Okay To Let A Baby Cry?

We all want our kids to get good sleep. Sleeping well is so important for growth and development. They need their beauty sleep. Some parent’s viewpoint is, when babies cry they need something.

“I hate to hear my baby cry. It’s not good to deny your baby when they need something.”

We agree, you shouldn’t deny your baby anything they need. Cover all the bases, make sure they are fed and changed first, before trying this method. We all have an ingrained tendency to respond to your crying child.

The cry it out method is not to let your baby cry themselves to sleep.

It’s a way to teach your precious sweetheart to fall asleep on their own. You’re helping them be more independent in the long run.

We have not seen any peer reviewed studies that point to long term negative effects from this sleep training method. If you personally feel bad about doing the cry it out method, then you shouldn’t do it.

May you and your baby find less sleepless nights and more peace of mind. To read an article on how long does sleep training take, click here.

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