Baby Rash Cream For Diaper Dermatitis

Diaper dermatitis is the irritation from bodily waste on the skin under your baby’s diaper.

The first description of the condition (called Jacquet erosive dermatitis) came about in 1905. 

Diaper dermatitis is a common disorder that affects babies during infancy. This is characterized by erosions with elevated boarders in and around the diaper area.

Accompanied with redness and inflammation and irritating your baby’s delicate skin.

In this article, we will look at what causes diaper rash, how to get rid of diaper dermatitis, which rash cream is best and home remedies for baby rash on body.


What is Diaper Rash Cream?

Diaper rash cream is a topical ointment. It’s used to treat and prevent diaper rash in infants and toddlers.

Typically, it’s applied to the affected area after each diaper change.

The rash cream forms a protective barrier on the skin. This prevents moisture and irritants from coming into contact with the skin.

It helps soothe and heal the irritated skin, reducing redness, inflammation, and discomfort. Diaper rash cream usually contains ingredients such as zinc oxide, petroleum jelly, lanolin, or a combination of these.

These ingredients help to moisturize the skin, promote healing, and create a barrier between the skin and the diaper.

It is important to choose a diaper rash cream that is hypoallergenic.

And one that’s free from fragrances or other potential irritants. Regular use of diaper rash cream can help prevent diaper rash and keep your baby's skin healthy and protected.


Best Diaper Rash Cream

Being it’s such a common skin condition in infants, parents are wondering, what’s the best diaper rash cream?

Desitin diaper rash cream is the best diaper rash cream for new parents. A soothing cream that is 40% zinc oxide.

Whether mild, medium or severe, it’s the #1 recommended choice by pediatricians and parents.

It provides the protective care your precious munchkin deserves. Desitin diaper rash cream is what comes to mind first when looking for the best diaper rash cream.

Aquaphor diaper rash cream is the 2nd best brand. Formulated with zinc oxide and panthenol, it is preservative and fragrance free.

So you know it’s highly suitable for sensitive baby skin. This formula is another pediatrician recommended brand.

The tube is conveniently shaped and fits into any diaper bag. We recommend the zinc oxide option over the petroleum jelly based option for Aquaphor diaper rash cream.


What Causes Diaper Rash?

Diaper dermatitis is localized to the area in contact with the diaper. But what causes diaper rash?

Baby rash can occur due to various reasons, including but not limited to: diaper rash, heat rash, eczema, allergic reactions, and viral or bacterial infections.

Diaper rash is often caused by prolonged exposure to wet or soiled diapers. Prolonged contact with urine, feces, soap and detergent is the source irritants that cause this reaction.

Overexposure leads to skin irritation. So change your infant’s diapers often. 

Excessive moisture and chafing elevate pH levels. Elevated pH levels within the diaper spread candida organisms which irritate the skin.

Heat rash, on the other hand, is caused by excessive sweating and blocked sweat ducts. Eczema is a chronic skin condition characterized by dry, itchy, and inflamed skin.

Allergic reactions can be triggered by various factors such as certain foods, fabrics, or detergents. Viral or bacterial infections can also lead to baby rash. These can include impetigo or yeast infections.


How to Get Rid of Diaper Rash

Getting diaper rash is not ideal. The condition usually affects newborns from 7-12 months old.

How do you get rid of the condition? The Journal of American Academy of Dermatology provides guidance advising, “Apply baby rash cream topically 4 times daily, reapplied after washing.”  

Keep in mind this treatment was originally for the Jacquet erosive dermatitis, the more rare diaper dermatitis condition. There are certain more severe pathogenic factors involved with this rare case.

But the main active ingredient, zinc oxide ointment, is a good treatment to get rid of it.

A protective rash cream for infants and toddlers will give comfort and protection. Or use a home remedy below.

Do not use cornstarch as it promotes yeast and bacteria growth. Do not use talcum (or talcum-free) powders as it can be aspirated by your baby according to Science Direct

If condition worsens, consult a healthcare professional. They’ll accurately diagnose and treat the specific cause of the baby rash.


Home Remedies for Baby Rash on Body

There are a few home remedies that can help alleviate baby rash on the body. It’s important to keep the affected area clean and dry. Gently wash the rash with mild soap and water. Pat it dry with a soft towel.

Applying a thin layer of coconut oil can provide a protective barrier and soothe the skin. It has naturally occurring antifungal and antibacterial properties. And it may help prevent infection.

Another remedy is to apply a cool compress made with chamomile tea or oatmeal. It can help reduce inflammation and itching. Use colloidal oatmeal.

Dressing the baby in loose-fitting, breathable clothing can promote airflow. This can help prevent further irritation. Make sure the diaper is not too tight as well.

If home remedies for baby rash on body persist or worsens, reach out to a pediatrician for further evaluation and treatment.


Diaper Dermatitis and Winning the Fight

Luckily, this condition is easily treatable. If you’re looking for the best diaper rash cream, look for Desitin diaper rash cream or Aquaphor diaper rash cream at your local store or online shopping portal.

For home remedies, colloidal oatmeal or coconut oil may do the trick in your situation.

Closely monitor your child’s progress as each case is different.

We wish you luck on quickly treating diaper rash so your little one is happy, comfortable and smiling. 

RELATED:  What to Pack in a Diaper Bag

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