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What’s The Best Feeding Schedule For Babies?

How Many Ounces Should a Baby Eat?

All babies develop at their own pace and at different ages. If you are striving to fix an appropriate feeding chart for your baby then you have landed in the right place.

Baby Feeding Chart by Month:

  • 1 month:  2-4 oz food / 6-8 feedings in 24hrs

  • 2 months:  5-6 oz food / 5-6 feedings in 24hrs

  • 3-5 months:  6-7 oz food / 5-6 feedings in 24hrs

Today we are discussing various diet charts for all age groups of babies. In this article, we will help you understand at what time you should feed your babies, the amount of food that you should feed them, and some foods to avoid.


Baby Feeding Schedule For Every Age

If you are wondering whether you are feeding your babies enough food or not then we are here to help.

May it be breast milk, liquids, or solid food every food must be given at an appropriate age and in a suitable amount. To help you understand more clearly we have curated a proper age-wise baby feeding chart.

However, you should always remember that the amount of food completely depends on the baby’s appetite, body weight, and age. We all grow at our own pace.


Newborn Babies & Breastfeeding

Many experts’ advice from doctors and pediatricians would agree, all newborn babies or infants must only be fed the breast milk.

Breastfeeding is the best way to get the proper nutrients to baby. However, if breast milk is not possible for some reason then you can also feed the newborn with baby formula.

Newborn babies are commonly required to be fed every 2-3 hours. As per the American academy of pediatrics, newborn babies must be fed 2 oz of breastmilk in every feeding.


Infants Within First Few Weeks

At, they mention within the first couple weeks after birth, newborn babies eat 1 oz per feeding. Amounts will gradually increasing from there.

To know if your newborn baby is eating enough or not you can check it by noticing if your baby is requiring a diaper change every 3-4 hours. In case you are feeding your infant baby the formula liquid then must feed your baby up to 3 oz of food per feeding.

You must feed the newborn baby every 3 to 4 hours.

You must increase the amount of feeding in accordance to the growth of your baby. As per the advice of the experts, you must feed your little bundle of joy at least 2.5-3 oz of food (as per the baby’s growing weight).

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Baby Feeding Schedule Age: 1 - 3 Months

For babies who belong to the ages 1 month to 3 months, you must feed liquids and breast milk. At this point, your baby will be more expressive and vocal about their hunger and appetite. Look for baby feeding cues. This will make your job a bit easier as you don't have to assume to feed your baby every 3-4 hours on your own. 

By this time you must increase the feeding amount of food for your baby. You must feed at least 4 to 5 oz of milk to your baby in a proper interval of 3-4 hours.

In case of feeding your baby formula liquid then you must feed the food that has a supplement of 2'-FL HMO or popularly famous as Similac Advance Instant Baby Formula. This prebiotic is found in breast milk and helps the baby in improving gut health.


Baby Feeding Schedule Age: 4 - 6 Months

By the time your baby is 4 to 6 months old, you must start feeding them solid foods.

If your baby is able to hold things well, is able to control their neck, and has lost the tongue thrust which used to push the food out of their mouth then you can start feeding the baby some solid food.

You do not have to stress yourself or the baby in feeding solids, you can only try feeding them 2-3 spoons of food two times a day. Moreover, with solid food, you must also continue feeding your baby with milk 3-4 times a day.

Milk is the main source of feeding your baby with nutrients and other important components. Make sure to feed your 4 months old baby at least 4-6 oz of milk and increase it up to 8 oz when your baby turns 6 months old.

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Baby Feeding Schedule Age: 7 - 9 Months

When your baby turns 7-9 months old, your main source of food should be breast milk and formula food. You can try feeding your baby not more than 32 oz of formula food every day.

Moreover in case of feeding your baby breast milk then make sure to feed at least 4-8 ounces of milk per feeding in the intervals of 5 hours.

You can also try feeding your baby finger foods such as beautifully chopped vegetables, diced fruits, cheese slices, yogurt, and other healthy munchies.


Feeding Baby Solids Age: 10 - 12 Months

When your baby turns about 10 to 12 months old, start feeding them about 7 to 8 oz of breast milk or formula food. Make sure to cap out at 32 oz of formula food for an entire time of 24 hours.

For a baby of 10 to 12 months, it is necessary to feed your baby milk as well as solid foods. You can try feeding solid foods such as thinly sliced carrots, diced papaya, mashed banana, and some other fruits and veggies.

You should always chop the fruits and veggies in tiny pieces or easy to chewable size, to avoid any complications.

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Baby Feeding Chart Age: 12 Months And After

When your baby reaches the age of 12 months and more, your baby must consume the majority of their calories from solid foods. To ensure fulfilment of calcium requirements in your baby you must feed them at least 2-3 cups of milk every day.

Try making eating schedules and snack times for your baby and try feeding them various kinds of solid foods. Moreover, make sure to consult your pediatrician before adding any new food to your baby’s diet.


Which Feeding Is Best For Baby?   

Eating at multiple times a day as an infant and toddler fuels all those growth spurts to come in the future. When your baby gets hangry there’s nothing stopping them from getting food and getting it fast.  

It’s exciting to see your little one begin solid foods!

Introducing them to new flavors and textures, there are a few things to reconsider letting them try. It’s a gradual process before they can familiarize themselves with certain options.

The starting phase of feeding baby solids, a few things to AVOID:

  • Foods with added sugars and no-calorie sweeteners

  • High-sodium foods

  • Honey, until after the first birthday. It can cause botulism in babies.

  • Unpasteurized juice, milk, yogurt, or cheese

  • Regular cow's milk or soy drinks before 12 months instead of breast milk or formula. It’s OK to offer pasteurized yogurt and cheese.

  • Foods that may cause choking, such as hot dogs, raw carrots, grapes, popcorn, and nuts


Baby Feeding Chart – Review

The above-mentioned baby feeding chart is in accordance with the advice and best opinion of the experts. We want to see our precious little ones grow up big and strong.

Nothing will get in the way of that. However, seek the expert advice of your family pediatrician in accordance with the current body weight and age of your baby.

In the starting first few months with your newborn, if your baby does not wake up in the middle of the night because of hunger then you must wake them up and feed them an appropriate amount of food.

Make sure you know how much they’re eating during the night. Bon Appetit!

RELATED: Breastfeeding Tips For First Time Moms