Sleep Regression Ages

What ages do kids begin experiencing sleep regression? Do your children have trouble getting to sleep at night?

You could try waiting 10 minutes to respond. When they begin to cry while sleep training baby.

Is that too harsh at such a young age? The verdict is out.

We peel the onion back on what is sleep regression, the top 3 sleep regression ages new parents experience, and tips to help navigate through the sleep regression ages.

RELATED:  Sleep Training 6 Month Old


What is Sleep Regression?

You ever wonder, what is sleep regression? Or were you ever curious to get more info on it?

Sleep regression is when you rescind to a lesser state of developed sleep from an already established pattern of sleeping.

Sleep regression is most likely to occur between 4-24 months.

Baby sleep tends to consolidate at this stage as they sleep for longer periods of time. Don’t stress, there is help.

Lancaster General Health determines the phenomenon as increased fussing, multiple wake ups, and sudden disruption of sleeping well. Not good for an already exhausted mom and dad.

It’s important to stay consistent when you think about sleep training baby.

Tough times will end. Get a good routine of good sleep going for your baby when the time is right.

The good news is that it will pass. Disturbed sleep patterns are common. Just keep reminding yourself that this phase will soon pass. From 4-24 months the brain is having growth spurt developments.


Is It 4 Month Sleep Regression?

If the 4 month sleep regression rears its ugly head, be ready.

Look for changing baby sleep patterns beginning around 3 months. Around 4 months is when many new parents begin (or begin thinking about beginning).

Setting a sleep routine early can benefit both parent and child.

This is helpful in getting your baby to put themselves to bed without intervention. Which opens the door to longer rest at night for mom.

Your infant at this age is most likely not in sleep trained yet. They are however beginning to form natural circadian rhythms on their own.

Watch for sleeping changes at this stage.  

Check with your pediatrician first before starting a sleep training routine. We recommend once they say it’s okay you can plan and execute a strategy.

RELATED:  Online Sleep Classes For Babies


Is it 6 Month Sleep Regression?

Are you in the phase of nightly intermittent checks after bedtime? Do you have your own sleep routine locked in?

Some parents start at 6 months. When the sleepless nights make you want to call a sleep consultant.

The goal at hand is to have your baby learn new sleep cycles and fall asleep without intervention.

If they’re having sleep regression, first rule out teething, silent reflux, ear infection and a milk allergy.

A full feeding during the day and just before bedtime may decrease the number of times they wake up at night. Try this and see if you benefit from any positive results.

Always document or observe anything new you try. Some days will be great, some days will be ok.   

When you begin sleep training in the coming months (if you’re not already), try applying a method to night wakes.

At 2 or 3 in the morning apply Ferber type check-ins if your baby is experiencing 6 month sleep regression.


9 Month Sleep Regression

Is your child fighting naps at 9 months? Or beginning to fight naps? Should you let her just cry it out?

Some are nervous to try that. These are some thoughts running through your head when you instinctively know it’s time to get their sleep routine down.

New parents get anxious to start the process when dealing with 9 month sleep regression.

You got to look at all the options before trying something. The lack of sleep must come to an end. Going to bed by themselves is an inevitable milestone they will reach.

This is the optimal time a lot of parents to begin to introduce a new sleeping pattern or routine into baby’s daily routine. At around 9 – 9.5 months old.

They’ll probably let YOU know when it’s time more likely.  

Babies start walking around 9 months. So take them for walks. It’ll tire them out for bedtime while teaching good gait and walking function.

As a new parent, after about 8 months of fractured sleep, you’ll try just about anything to get some decent shut eye.


Does 2 Year Sleep Regression Last Forever?

What now? Your kiddos not sleeping in their crib? Toddler sleep routines are all over the board.

When you think you got some type of bedtime routine set in place, BOOM, your little mini tornadoes throw you a curve ball.  

Just when you thought you were making progress. You get pulled into a dreaded 2 year sleep regression cycle. Don’t get discouraged. Keep moving forward.

One day at a time. It’ll be behind you before you know it. Don’t get discouraged or too nervous to start.

Look on the bright side. A 2 year old is statistically having one of the last sleep regression cycles. It only gets better from here. Husbands, please reassure your wives.

The last thing you want is a toddler walking back into the room every night unable to go back to sleep.

So get started on a sleep training method and stick to it until it’s done. You’ll be glad you stuck it out later when they can easily get themselves back to sleep on their own.


Check Before Sleep Training Baby

You may want to make sure they don’t have separation anxiety.

Check with your doctor before making any decisions on sleep training. If you have any questions or concerns, get them answered first.

It will get better on the other side after it’s over and done with. Even if there is no way of consoling them with cuddles and kisses as they fight taking naps.

And scream bloody murder when you leave the room while standing up holding the bars of their crib. Like a little prisoner of war.

However you teach baby to sleep at night, Ferber type technique or cry it out method (CIO), we wish you all the best. Remember to trust your instincts.

You’ll know if something is wrong. You’re their parent. You know what’s best for them. You got this.

RELATED:  Sleep Training 6 Month Old

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