Best Pacifiers, Pacifier Clips & Maintenance

Babies comfort themselves by using their favorite pacifier.

Baby pacifiers are a great calming mechanism for when newborns begin to get a little fussy.

They help your baby fall asleep, ease discomfort and can be a successful distraction.

The more you know on how to use them, how to keep them in baby’s mouth, and when to discontinue use can help navigate parenthood more easily.   

Come and explore top picks for the best pacifiers, pacifier clips, maintenance, tips, and learn 4 ways on how to fix pacifier teeth.


When to Introduce Pacifier

Most mothers introduce a pacifier to their baby when newborns are approximately 3-4 weeks old.

Some new parents even start pacifier use as early as 2 weeks old, if feeding using baby formula instead of breastfeeding.

First time moms should asses their current situation and figure out which time is best to introduce a pacifier for your baby.

Sometimes a little good old fashioned ‘mothers intuition’ will do the trick.


Best Pacifiers for Newborns

BIBS PacifierHere’s one of our favorites. A time honored, preferred pacifier spanning 4 decades. BIBS Pacifier has been around for over 40 years. Select exact shape, size and design with a BIBS pacifier.

  • Shape: Choose the right shape

  • Design: Contoured pacifier shield

  • Size: One size fits current age

  • Material: Safe for sensitive baby

The BIBS natural rubber baby pacifier allows your child to self-soothe by exercising their instinctive sucking instinct in the most natural way possible.

NUK Pacifier – One of the best baby soothers. The NUK pacifier brand has been studying and developing products for babies since the early 1950’s.

Their passion is to developing new products to make life easier for young families. 

Mam Pacifier – Ideal shape for jaw and teeth development. Glow in the dark, 2 count pack for baby boys 0-6 months.

Mam represents baby products of premium quality and attractive designs. Your baby’s going to practice better self-soothing. The Mam pacifier is best for breastfed babies.

Avent Pacifier 2022 National Parenting Product Awards Winner. The Avent pacifier is made from medical grade silicone and is BPA free.

Designed around the natural contours of a baby’s face with a heart shaped shield. Best for moms and dads on a budget.

How Do You Keep a Pacifier in Baby’s Mouth?

Pacifier clips keep pacifier in baby’s mouth. Just clip one to their clothes and save a tantrum from when they drop one on the floor.

With pacifier clips, when they drop out of their mouth, they can easily grab it and put it back in themselves. This provides more time to self sooth and be comfortable when stressed.

It’s a hassle to have to pick up and wash off your baby’s pacifier every time it gets dropped. Baby should have a good sucking reflex to keep it in their mouth.

One helpful piece of advice, don’t give baby a pacifier at night if they are learning to be breastfed.

Make sure they can easily latch onto mother’s breast first before introducing a pacifier, if breastfeeding.

Pacifier clips keep pacifiers clean, off the ground and allow baby to re-apply easily without needing assistance. Pacifier clips should be made of high quality material and be washable.

Replace pacifiers often to maintain higher cleanliness levels.

Pick the right size pacifier clips and ones made with high quality material. Choose one that is BPA free, phthalate free, latex free and lead free.


Should I Remove a Pacifier When a Baby is Sleeping?

Is it bad to give one to an infant while they sleep? Pacifiers don’t need to be removed from the crib when baby is sleeping.  

In fact, giving a pacifier to a baby at night may help reduce the risk of SIDS(Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). A recent research article suggests published at The Mayo Clinic.   

Always get a one piece pacifier. If it’s 2 pieces or more it can become a choking hazard.

Remove all choking hazards around where baby is sleeping.

Don’t attach a string to a pacifier if you offer one to a newborn. It can also be a choking hazard. 

How Do You Clean a Pacifier?

To clean a pacifier you can boil it or place pacifier in the dishwasher up until your baby is 6 months old.

After 6 months, when their little immune systems are built up, you can wash with soap and warm water.

Don’t “rinse” using your own mouth, it will only spread germs. Don’t dip the ends of pacifiers in sweet liquids and then give to infants.

In addition, don’t buy one with any sort of liquid interior.

If it breaks open or leaks and the interior seeps out it could cause illness if ingested.   


When To Stop Pacifier

Try not to get your baby dependent on pacifiers.

Also, be aware prolonged use can lead to dental issues later on down the line. However, most will discontinue use between 2-4 years old on their own.

If your baby needs help to stop using a pacifier, try giving praise to them when they choose not to use it.

Begin thinking about how to decrease use of a binky after 2 years old. Or the obstruction of new teeth development may cause future dental issues.


How to Fix Pacifier Teeth

Pacifier teeth refer to an abnormal development of the teeth in young kids due to the frequent use of a pacifier and/or sucking the thumb.

Prolonged use of anything kept in a baby’s mouth can cause oral health problems.

New parents should take note of the frequency of baby’s use of a pacifier. Are they passively placing them in their mouth?

What’s the sucking reflex intensity when pacifier is used? These are questions to think about as new parents because they may be a precursor to future behavior.

4 Ways to Correct Pacifier Teeth

Interesting content discovered from the website of Harrisburg Pediatric Dentistry. They share 4 ways on how to correct this condition of pacifier teeth.

  • Cut the Tips Off. It makes it difficult to get the same satisfaction. Because the pacifier no longer provides the same suction, baby gets less and less interested. 

  • Encourage them to Use Only When Needed. For example just before taking a nap or before bed time. Decrease usage little by little as they get older.  

  • Give them Away. You could put them in a box and explain that they are going away to babies that need them. They’ll enjoy the thought of helping others and knowing they’re growing up.

  • Cold Turkey Method. Take them away completely, for good. This may cause your baby a temper tantrum at first. It’ll be hard but you may be saving them from needing braces in the future.

Luckily this situation is one that can easily correct itself with discontinued use. Pacifiers can be a great tool in the tool belt.

There comes a time to decrease usage as your child grows out of infancy.

The main goal is to ween them after 24 months. Kids will usually stop using a pacifier between 2-4 years old on their own. 


How to Avoid Pacifier Teeth

When a child uses a pacifier too often, they can get pacifier teeth. The chances of getting it increase if they transfer from a pacifier to sucking their thumb.

Some people in the dental community is at odds with this question because it depends when the child quits.

Many times the issue can correct itself and no dental intervention is necessary.

How do you really avoid pacifier teeth? Statistically speaking, after the 24 month timestamp, pacifier usage should get turned down way down until they no longer want or need them anymore.

The longer older toddlers use a pacifier, the higher likelihood future dental problems may occur.

If they adopt the habit of sucking their thumb, try to ween them off. This can interfere with growth and development of the teeth.

Cool Pacifiers, Happy Babies

You’ve now got the skinny on pacifiers, pacifier teeth, pacifier clips and other tips. We hope you find what you’re looking for. Or at least are pointed in the right direction.

Best Pacifiers:

Pacifiers and pacifier clips are excellent tool to help baby self soothe, ease discomfort and be a clever distraction.

Some parents use them to get baby’s ears to pop when flying in an airplane, since they can’t do it themselves.

In any case, it’s less hassle for parents and more satisfaction for your precious little one.

If you have any questions or concerns about the oral health of your child, ask your family doctor or dentist.

Related:  How to Soothe a Teething Baby

New Parent Steps

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