Baby Shoes Size Chart

Newborns can outgrow their footwear fast. New moms may need a new pair of baby shoes every couple of months. Check your baby shoes size chart and uncover different baby growth stages. See if baby walkers affect learning to walk and get ques from developmental milestones to know what’s ahead for your baby.

Baby Shoes Size Chart:

  • Shoe Size 1 = 0-6 months

  • Shoe Size 2 = 7-12 months

  • Shoe Size 3 = 13-18 months

Knowing what size shoe your baby wears now can alert new parents as to what might be right around the corner during the next developmental phase. A new milestone means your little munchkin is moving in the right direction and can foreshadow new signs of progress.


Baby Growth Milestones Between 0-18 Months

For most new moms, finally holding their little angel in their arms is so fulfilling and exciting. However, for several others, it is also a time for concern and even worry. The concern is majorly on the overall health of their baby and worry on whether the baby will be reaching their milestones at the appropriate age.

A baby’s growth and development can be measured against the above shoe size chart. Typically, baby shoe size 1 is between 0-6 months, baby shoe size 2 is between 7-12 months and baby shoe size 3 is between 13-18 months. During these times, there will be huge changes witnessed in your baby’s development.


Adorable Baby Walking Story

I was recently on vacation in a beautiful resort in southern Mexico. I was lounging the main lobby at the time and saw the most precious thing take place. I witnessed a young European father help encourage and help train his small son in a learn how to walk session.

The young toddler had the gusto to get his feet moving trying to walk the walk as fast as he could. They became the center of attention for all in the room. It was a great way to bond together as a family. He took precise care guiding his son forward. Becoming a brand new walker, he was all smiles.

Pappa was holding onto his son’s hands with arms raised above his head. The father was walking behind for support. The toddler’s chubby little legs jumping forward planting one foot in front of the other. Happiness filled the air. He got excited he let out shrieks of joy to express his new accomplishment. 

Mom looked on with glowing admiration. A concrete foundation of a loving family taking shape before my eyes. Watching the father and son bond while a proud mother looked on was a beautiful sight.

Appreciate the now. And how important it is to enjoy your family in the present. Your baby is only small for a short while. Don’t take it for granted. One day you’ll wake up and realize your baby is now a full grown teenager eating all the groceries you just bought at home.

Baby Shoes Size 1

As your newborn graces the world with their presence, the first 6 months are an amazing time for new parents. During this time, we speak and they are able to listen. They cry to get attention, will discover their hands and feet for the first time, and even recognize and respond to their name.  

Development 0-6 months:

  • Language: Cooing at least one syllable, spontaneous babble, begin making non-crying sounds

  • Physical: Responds to faces/objects as they move, plays with objects, raise themselves up laying on tummy

For a few recommended activities, hold baby often and talk to them at this stage. Give them interesting things to look at, provide washable and safe toys to suck on and play with. To encourage rolling over for better views, place toys near and above your baby.

Baby Shoes Size 2

During this phase watch for objects to be used correctly such as drinking from a cup. They may imitate gestures and recognize named images in pictures. Look for a more intense exploration of objects like shaking, dropping and throwing.

Development 7-12 months:

  • Language: Increased attention to speech, responds to “no,” says “mama” and “dada”

  • Physical: Get into sitting position solo, momentarily stand and walk a few steps without support, can finger feed themselves

New moms can assist in their child’s growth and development. For example, engage the tactile and visual senses by playing with bubbles. Practice cognitive development and bonding by singing nursery rhymes and clapping along. Expand the senses further with fun outdoor adventures.

Baby Shoes Size 3

Babies at 13-18 months will show a couple big milestones now. They will be able to understand and follow simple directions. They’ll look directly at the person talking to them. By this stage they become very inquisitive and are able to identify objects in pictures.

Development 13-18 months:

  • Language: Say “hi” and “bye” & use expressions like “uh-oh”

  • Psychological: Likes cuddles, being read to, gets upset with separation from parents

  • Physical: Sits without help, stands, walks, scribbles with crayons

Some recommended activities for moms include: reading (to help recognize objects and animals) and playing with musical toys. Playing with toys like blocks can increase fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Encourage sitting on the ground and exploring the nearby environment.


Do Baby Walkers Affect Babies Learning To Walk?

Some think baby walkers are not recommended. The opinion of whether to use one or not is entirely up to you. If you do get one for junior, make sure his weight sits only on the balls of the feet.

Which is the best baby walker or jumperoo? There are plenty of options available in all directions on the web. Balance between using a baby walker and letting babies teach themselves is an effective strategy. It builds confidence and experience. 

Do baby walkers impede growth and development?  No, not if they’re used in short sessions. There is no peer reviewed evidence that proves short term use of baby walkers is harmful to baby growth.

These help to hold up the body weight of the baby. They get baby used to the idea of walking around by themselves. Keeping baby in a walker for really long periods of times is not good. Muscles in the legs and feet can atrophy if not used regularly. Don’t use for extended periods of time. Aim for 20 minute sessions.

New Parent Steps

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